As someone who has a deep appreciation for marine life, he places a significant amount of importance on his passion for photography. Whenever Fadil Tally is in possession of his camera, he is able to continuously locate the most favorable moments to capture. Let’s learn his passion for marine photography further…

Attracted By The Little Things…
Fadil Tally, a medical representative who resides in Forest-Side, has gained significant popularity on Facebook due to his exceptional marine photographic sharing. He frequently dives in the North and West with his pals to explore the marine life of the ocean. Fadil is passionate about exploring the potential of these stunning creatures. His unexpected encounters with them are the sole consideration when he is submerged.
QUESTION: What attracted you into marine photography, and for how long you are pursuing this passion?
FADIL TALLY: “I took my first dive in 2019, a fascinating world down there. Marine life is quite something with weird looking creatures, some prettier than others, one might even find interesting stuffs that lie in the mundane. I find it enjoyable to share my photos and what I find underwater to my non diver friends and in a way, educate and share my passion to them. And hopefully people get the message that we need to protect the environment.”
QUESTION: Narrate us your best underwater experiences ever…
FADIL TALLY: “I have quite a few, actually. If I have to stick to one, it would be the one where I went down to take a photo of a particular fish (Frog Fish) on a wreck. There were 2, went down, my guide (Neysen) found it within seconds, stayed there and took all the photos I wanted. And it was on my birthday. So, I don’t think it gets better than this.”
QUESTION: Where normally you prefer to dive the most for photos, and why?
FADIL TALLY: “People think it’s better the deeper you go. Well, there are a lot more considerations the deeper you go and the amount of time one can spend deeper. I would say I prefer shallow dives (max 12 meters), the diversity in the north is a lot better.”
QUESTION: Photography is an expensive passion. What gears do you have, and how you take your photos?
FADIL TALLY: “Nikon D850, 105mm Macro, 16-35 F4. Strobes, underwater housing and a focus torch. I find a subject, get close, adjust lights and strobes, click. Sounds easy, but it’s not, does get better the more you do it. Getting close enough is paramount since water absorbs more light than air, so if you are too far away (more than 2 meters) the light might not reach your subject and reflect.”

How To Find Him?
Follow Fadil Tally on his Facebook page, and on Instagram. You will be awestruck by his stunning photographs.
Author & References

Author: Ali J | Date Published: September 3, 2024 | Last Updated: NA
Special Thanks: Fadil Tally.
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