Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy involves details to get a clear understanding of how information is collected, used, and protected. Also, you will find information on third parties.

What personal information does this website collect, and when, from the visitors?

Some data are collected when people reach the website owner via the contact form, advertisement form, and photo upload form. These data are email address, the contact name, photos, social links, and others. While the rest of the information will be displayed publicly (agreed by the contact person), only the email address is not shown on the website to protect them from spam from third party crawlers, bots, etc.

How does this website use the collected information?

This website collects the information to know visitors’ identity, in case the author needs to contact them.

How is the collected information protected?

All information submitted by the visitors is protected and is NOT shared.


Cookies are set by the browser, so that you do not repeat similar process while filling a form for instance. You can disable it directly on your browser. Cookies are not set by the website.

Third-party links

Occasionally, third parties products and services may appear on this website where their policies may be different. However, the author of this website has no responsibility or liability for its contents.

Analytics & Ads

This website uses Google Analytics to collect information on where visitors are coming from. It has its own policies which you can read on their website.

Also, the website display third-party ads on some pages. These ad banners are powered by DigitalGo.



All the contents on this website are owned by the author, including the photos (With watermarks) and videos, except if stated otherwise through credits. Few images have been downloaded from royalty-free websites and they do not have a watermark. Images and videos on this website that are owned by the author may not include watermark as well. Thus, all visitors on this website have no right to copy and paste or take any media without proper permission from the webmaster.


All visitors who are contacting the author must be responsible for their content. Do not use foul language, send spam links, or do anything illegal to the law.

Media & Collaboration logos

The media and collaboration logos on the website are owned by the respective parties. They are displayed for brand awareness, and for boosting image purposes.